
Term 2 Topic Overview Plans
Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 9 Science Support Materials for Test

9Id Power and energy/Going green
Updates to Topic Plans
Yr 7 English:

Children will be given the opportunity to investigate and explore a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts across the year.
Following some work to celebrate Poetry Month, in the second half term we will be studying:
Ÿ  A short film and visual literacy
ŸNon-fiction texts with a focus on media and advertising.
They will also develop their writing skills in different forms and for a range of purposes.

Children will have a library lesson each week during which they  will be encouraged to read independently and for pleasure.      

Children will be taught a range of spelling rules, punctuation and grammar through a weekly focus and as they emerge in the programmes of study. Home learning activities will consolidate this learning.

Please encourage your child to read on a daily basis and remember to sign their communication diary.

Yr 8 English:

Children will be given the opportunity to investigate and explore a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts across the year.
Following some work to celebrate Poetry Month, in the second half of term 1 we will be studying:
·         Media and moving image, including image analysis, aspects of mise-en-scène, camera angles, sound, genre and fiction translated into film.

They will also develop their writing skills in different forms and for a range of purposes.

Children will have a library lesson each week during which they will be encouraged to read independently and for pleasure.       

Children will be taught a range of spelling rules, punctuation and grammar through a weekly focus and as they emerge in the programmes of study. Home learning activities will consolidate this learning.

Please encourage your child to read on a daily basis and remember to sign their communication diary.

Yr 9 English:

Children will be given the opportunity to investigate and explore a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts across the year.
Following some work to celebrate Poetry Month, in the second half of term 1 we will be studying:
·         Short stories, which will lead to an assessed piece of creative writing.

They will also develop their writing skills in different forms and for a range of purposes.

Children will have a library lesson each week during which they will be encouraged to read independently and for pleasure.       

Children will be taught a range of spelling rules, punctuation and grammar through a weekly focus and as they emerge in the programmes of study. Home learning activities will consolidate this learning.

Please encourage your child to read on a daily basis and remember to sign their communication diary.

Yr 7 Drama
Pupils will be developing their knowledge of a range of drama techniques and strategies through the scenario of a circus.

Yr 8 Drama
Pupils will be developing their knowledge of a range of drama techniques and strategies through the theme of peer pressure.

Yr 9 Drama
Pupils will be developing their knowledge of a range of drama techniques and strategies which will culminate in a performance which will be planned and rehearsed in groups.

                                               Spanish (all year groups):
School timetable and telling time

Year 7:
Description of family and pets
Description of people (physical and personality)

Year 8:
Weather Forecast
Introduction of past tense

Year 9:
Talking about the future
Making predictions

The number of joules of energy an appliance transfers every second.
power rating

The label on an appliance that tells us how much energy it transfers.
watts (W)

The unit for measuring power. One watt is one joule per second.

atomic energy

Another name for nuclear energy.
A source of electricity with a low 'energy' (low voltage). Cells push electrons round a circuit.
chemical energy

The kind of energy stored in chemicals. Food, fuel and cells (batteries) all store chemical energy.
A way of saying how much energy something wastes.
elastic potential energy

Another name for strain energy.
energy resources

Stores of energy that we need for heating, transport and to keep our bodies working.
fossil fuels

Coal, oil and natural gas all fuels that were formed from the remains of dead plants and animals.

Make electricity by turning a magnet inside coils of wire.
global warming

A theory that says that the Earth is getting hotter because of the activities of humans. It may be caused by too much
carbon dioxide in the air.
gravitational potential energy
grav-it-ay-shon-al pO-ten-shall
The kind of energy stored by anything that can fall down.
infrared radiation

Another name for heat energy that is transferred by radiation. It can travel through transparent things and a vacuum (empty space).
kinetic energy

The kind of energy stored in moving things.
law of conservation of energy

The idea that energy can never be created or destroyed, only changed from one form of energy to another.
mains electricity

Current at 230 V provided to houses, shops, etc.
natural gas

Fossil fuel formed from the remains of dead plants and animals that lived in the sea.
nuclear energy

Energy stored inside atoms.
potential energy
The scientific word for ‘stored’ energy.
Sankey diagram

A diagram that represents energy transfers by arrows. The width of each arrow depends on the amount of energy it represents.
strain energy

The kind of energy stored in stretched or squashed things which can change back to their original shapes.
thermal energy

The hotter something is the more thermal energy it has.

When energy is changed from one form into another or from one place to another we say it is transferred.
useful energy

Energy that is transferred in the way we need.
wasted energy

Energy that is not useful.

A fuel made from plants or from animal droppings.

Large coil of wire with a magnet inside. When the magnet
is turned, electricity is produced in the coil of wire.

Electricity made when falling water (usually from a reservoir) turns turbines and generators.
National Grid

System of overhead and underground cables that carry electricity around the country.
pumped storage

A kind of power station where spare electricity is used to pump water to a high reservoir. This water can be allowed to fall again, to a hydroelectric power station, when electricity is needed.
renewable resource

An energy resource that will never run out (e.g. solar power).

A machine that is turned by a moving liquid or gas. Turbines are used to turn generators in power stations.

9Ic Voltage and energy

A piece of equipment that measures how much electricity
is flowing around a circuit.
amp (A)

The unit for measuring current.
Something in a circuit, like a bulb, switch or motor.
electric current

The flow of electrons around a circuit.

Tiny particles that flow around a circuit.
in parallel

One component is in parallel with another when the current divides, a part going through each component, and then joins up to complete the circuit.
in series

Components are in series when all the current goes through all of them, one after the other.
power pack

A source of electricity with a low voltage.

A component that makes it more difficult for current to flow resistors are used to control the size of the current in a circuit.

A way of saying how much energy is transferred by electricity.

A component that measures voltage.
volts (V)

The unit for voltage.